Thank you in advance for ensuring that your child has regular and punctual school attendance.
Tardy Students
Any student who is not in class by 8:55 a.m. is considered tardy.
All check-ins after 8:55 a.m. will be marked unexcused unless accompanied by a medical doctor/dentist note.
- The attendance office cannot take phone calls for student checkouts.
- Check-outs before 12:30 p.m. will result in a whole day's absence.
- Before or after 3:15 p.m., check-outs are marked as unexcused until a doctor/dentist note is submitted the first day a student returns.
- No check-outs will be called after 3:15 p.m.
ONLY persons listed on the emergency card will be able to checkout students. In extenuating circumstances, a note must be brought to the office during homeroom or 1st period that includes the person's name who will be picking the student up, their relationship to the student, and the parent's telephone number. The parent's telephone number must be in Infinite Campus in order for verification to take place over the phone. Identification is required by McDonough Middle School before a student will be called out of class.
Students are required to come to the front office for any calls regarding checkouts due to illness (cellphone use during school hours is prohibited). Students that choose to use cell phones to call parents will be subject to disciplinary action.