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What is McDonough Middle School

National Jr. BETA CLUB? 

~McDonough Middle has been a School of Merit and Distinction since 2021. Club ID: JGA 1812~

The National Junior Beta Club is an honor organization that recognizes outstanding academic achievement, promotes strong moral character and social responsibility, encourages service to others, fosters leadership skills, and provides settings for you to develop strong interpersonal skills.

Who qualifies for membership in the MMS JUNIOR BETA CLUB? 

McDonough Middle School students with a grade point average of 3.5 (a minimal average of half A’s and half B’s in one and two-semester courses), who also exemplify strong character, and have maintained role model behavior throughout the last school year (no administrative referrals or periods in in-school or out-of-school suspension) are eligible to apply for membership in the McDonough Middle School Junior Beta Club.

What are the dues for members?

A fee of $64 is collected before induction for new members and the returning members will pay $40, payable via

How do I apply for membership? 

If your final report card from the fifth, sixth, or seventh grade reflects a 3.5 grade point average, and you desire to fulfill the Beta Club participation and service requirements, please email the MMS Junior Beta Sponsor at an application form and ask two teachers to complete recommendation forms on your behalf. Please give one form to a core teacher and the other to a connection teacher. Also, if you are new to MMS, please submit a copy of your final report card from last year.