Muhammad, Jamal
Jamal Muhammad ESE Grade 6-8
Yellowstone National Park Field Trip
Long Division Refresher Youtube Link
Mr. Muhammad
Hello. My name is Jamal Muhammad and I teach grades 6-8 ESE. As a teacher, I enjoy making my classroom a warm and safe environment for my students. I have high expectations and I am committed to do what it takes to provide skills and techniques to create a positive foundation for learning.
Tutoring hours: Tuesday 7:15-8:15
Clubs/Organizations: Health and Fitness. Students and staff will get workout routines and eating tips for a health lifestyle.
Mr. Muhammad Suggested School Supply List
I. Suggested Perishable Supplies
- 2 - Highlighters, any color
- 1 box - 24/48-count Crayons
- 2 packages - 8-count Colored Pencils
- 1 package - 12-count #2 plain Pencils
- 8 pens - 4-Blue, 2-Black, 2-Red
- 2 - 100-count Composition Notebooks
- 1 package - 100-count Wide-Ruled Paper
- 1 package - 8-count Washable Markers
- 6 - Folders with pockets (different colors) - OR - 1 - Large Binder with Tab Dividers
II. Suggested Reusable/Non-Perishable Supplies
- 1 - Book Bag, reasonably sized and easily stored
- 1 - Wooden or Plastic Ruler
- 1 - Pencil Pouch with zipper
- 1 - Calculator with Algebraic functions if possible
- 1 - Pocket Dictionary
III. Possible Donation Items
- Facial Tissues (hypoallergenic)
- Bandaids (box)
- Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer
- Antibacterial Wipes
- Dry Erase Markers (4)
- USB Drives