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Ellis, Jelinda

Ms. Jelinda Ellis


  • Welcome to Ms. Ellis's Web Page

    Teacher's Name:  Jelinda Ellis

    Classroom Location:  303 and Remote

    School Email Address:

    Subjects I Teach: Dance

    School's Number:  470-615-3460



    I am super excited about this school year! It's so good to be teaching the wonderful art of DANCE. I have been dancing since the age of 3 and teaching since 2013. I have my own dance studio located in Jackson, Ga (my hometown). I graduated from Clayton State University in 2016 with a Bachelor's in Psychology and minor in Dance. I have taught ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, lyrical, majorette, salsa, and modern dance classes. 


    Go Warhawks!


    McDonough Middle School Vision: 
    McDonough Middle School will equitably advance and exceptional learning experience that promotes Powerful Learning for Purposeful Living.


    MMS Mission 2020-2021:

    MMS is on an ambitious pursuit of becoming the fastest
    improving and highest achieving school in the metro-Atlanta
    region while prioritizing and being known for learner
    connectivity and belief in learner capability.



    MMS BELIEFS 2020-2021
    Guiding Philosophy:

    We believe in our learners, and they
    deserve an exceptional learning experience!