PBIS Leadership Team
Meet the 2023 - 2024 PBIS Leadership Team
PBIS School Level Administrator
Mr. Gwyn
Attend all PBIS Leadership Team Meetings
Ensure development of PBIS School Calendar
Oversee all PBIS School Events
Actively Monitor School Climate
An intricate participant in the selection of PBIS Leadership Team Members
Ensure TFI, Walkthroughs, SAS are completed with fidelity
Complete the PBIS End of the Year Report in SLDS
Work with the PBIS District Coordinator with Professional Learning-Training
2023 - 2024 PBIS Leadership Team
Behavior Data Analysts
Mr. Lawrence Gwyn & Dr. Monique Jackson
Lead the PBIS Leadership Team through the data and problem-solving process
Analyze data and lead data discussions to formulate problem solving for PBIS Leadership Team Meetings
Develop behavior precision statement(s) for the PBIS Leadership Team
Provide Analysis for ALL school-wide data
PBIS Action Plan Archiver/Recorder/Minutes Taker
Mrs. Pamela Woods
Ensure the PBIS Action Plan is present at all PBIS Leadership Team Meetings
Ensure the PBIS Action Plan is reviewed and updated monthly
Record and Report the Minutes for all PBIS Leadership Team Meetings
PBIS Coach (Non-Classroom Educator)
Mr. Sherrial T. Clark
Work intricately with the PBIS District Coordinator to ensure school-wide PBIS implementation with fidelity.
Develop and disseminate the PBIS Leadership Team Agenda
Assist with the TFI Walkthroughs
Manage the development of the PBIS Product Book
Oversee the development of the School-wide PBIS Action Plan
Attend all District PBIS Trainings and Coaches Meetings
PBIS Partnership Developer
Mrs. Chelsea Benson
Develop a list of Partners for School-wide PBIS Events
Work with the PBIS Administrator and PBIS Coach with PBIS Partnership Development
Develop the utilization of PBIS Partners within the School Community
PBIS Communications Facilitator
Mrs. Lori Vincent
Design the PBIS Communication vehicle for the School Community (newsletter, PBIS Webpage)
Ensure PBIS is represented at school hosted events ( Curriculum Nights, PTA Meetings, School Council Meetings )
Develop the PBIS videos used for teaching behaviors to the students, faculty, and staff
Mental Health-Wellness Facilitator/CARE Team Lead
Mr. Sherrial T. Clark
Provide data in the areas of Mental Health and Wellness for students, faculty, and staff
Align PBIS Leadership Team/CARE Team efforts
Develop Mental Health and Wellness projects and action plans
Attend All District Training and Coaches Meetings
School Climate Youth Ambassador Facilitator
Ms. Raquel Moss
Develop the selection process for PBIS Youth Ambassadors
Ensure PBIS Youth Ambassadors attend all PBIS Youth Ambassador Trainings
Design the utilization of the PBIS Youth Ambassadors within the School Community through Service Learning